Basic Pistol
October 27 @ 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Basic Pistol is the place to start if you are just beginning your journey as a firearms owner. But, experienced pistol owners will also learn something in this class. Is your pistol a mystery? Come get it de-coded in this comprehensive class taught by a certified instructor. Some of the topics covered are parts, ammunition, disassembly, cleaning and reassembly, grip stance, shooting and more. Come get it de-coded at this comprehensive day-long class taught by a certified instructor. arms Academy, a private and secure location in Smithville. Address and details to be given after registration and payment. Payment made directly to instructor after registering here.
More topics covered: Firearm safety and storage, pistol parts, ammunition fundamentals, building pistol shooting skills, pistol selection and use and much more! This full day class will give you all the knowledge needed to safely operate, maintain and store your firearm. You will receive a 202-page reference book and a completion certificate. This class is the prerequisite if you want to become an NRA Certified Pistol Instructor.