In order to operate a firearm safely, let’s do a deep dive into the safety rules of firearms. Negligent/careless handling of firearms is…

In order to operate a firearm safely, let’s do a deep dive into the safety rules of firearms. Negligent/careless handling of firearms is…
If I walk up to a business and see anti-gun signage, I simply walk away and don’t give them one cent of my…
Road Trip! Recently I went on a girls getaway with A Girl & A Gun to Glock Headquarters for some amazing training classes.…
Are you looking for like-minded people to spend time with? Do you like to be outdoors? Do you love shooting sports of any…
I can’t believe this happened here! Every time an incident happens and the news interviews someone nearby, you hear that statement over and…
Are predators coming to your home? I’m referring to the 2-legged variety of predators. The shrewd and cunning type. The type that strikes…
Recommended Reading Violence of Mind by Varg Freeborn The Law of Self Defense by Andrew F. Branca Long Range Shooting Handbook by Ryan…