NRA Certified Basic Pistol Instructor Course
October 28 - October 29
NRA Certified Basic Pistol Instructor Course: this 2-day course includes BIT (Basic Instructor Training), lesson plans, practical exercises, written exam and shooting qualification to become a certified NRA Instructor. Attendance in this class is an opportunity, not a foregone conclusion. You must possess the knowledge, skills and attitude to pass and become certified. You will receive feedback from your class peers as well as give feedback. There is some documentation that needs to be filled out and sent in promptly after registration. This documentation is on the site where you register. Print it out, fill it out and email to the Training Counselor. This course takes place at a private range facility. Payment info and address will be given in an email following registration here. All training materials are provided. Please bring your student Pistol Handbook to class as we will be using it. Please dress in range attire.
There is a prerequisite to this course of taking the student level Basic Pistol class. We have listed it just prior to this one as a convenience. If you’ve already taken this class, you must provide proof in the form of a signed completion certificate from an NRA Instructor. You will need your firearm in 9mm-.45acp, 100 rounds of ammunition, eye and hearing protection and any food and snacks you need to get through the day. There is a fridge and microwave and water is provided.